Lacrosse rules

Lacrosse, has a lot of forms. For the most popular forms include field lacrosse, box lacrosse (indoor lacrosse) and women lacrosse.

Field lacrosse play two teams with ten players. Point of each team is to score a goal to opposite goal. Players except the goalie in the cris can not to touch the ball with their hands. Complete rules of field lacrosse in Slovak language, for download.

Box lakros hrajú dve dužstvá so šiestimi hráčmi. Jedná sa o halovú verziu lakrosu, ktorá sa hrá na hokejových, hokejbalových a inlinových ihriskách. Complete rules of boxlacrosse in Slovak language, for download.

Ženský lakros je bezkontaktná hra ktorú hraje 12 hráčok: brankár, päť útočníkov a 6 obrancov. Complete rules of women lacrosse in Slovak language, for download.